What is FATAL?

We believe in the power of tragedies. Through engaging with tragedies, people comprehend what’s happening in the world and learn to sympathize with others.

Our mission is to offer a variety of real life tragedies at affordable prices.
Our retail shop have many branches such as flower shop, travel agency, cosmetics and food.

When you visit our shop in your local area, you will definitely find a tragedy that is best for you to spare your sympathy.

Flower shop

Fatal flower shop is the only flower shop specialising in roadside memorials.

Shop Wall

In our shop, we share the information of memorials and shrines in your local area. Visit the local memorials, pay your respects and leave a lasting memento to a tragedy of your choice.

Flower packageRoadside memorial


postcardWhen you visit our shop, you will get a set of souvenir postcards.

Each contains a photograph of tragedy.
Write a message to your family and friends, share your love and sympathy.




This is a branding design project based on drama study and journalism study concerning the term ‘tragedy’.
Drawing from the research question ‘Is tragedy for sale?’ this project explores the concept of tragedy in the commercial mass news media. Visit research pages for further information.

FATAL is a satiric brand that questions the mass news media criteria and the cathartic pleasure we get from consuming tragic news.
Aiming at discursive interactions, the brand uses irony and discomfort. The retail shop commercializes on real-life tragedies at affordable prices to replicate the structure of contemporary news consumption.



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Send us anything that’s on your mind.
Please visit here and start the conversation.